Simple Yet Scrumptious Eggless Chocolate Cake with Fudge Topping
For The Cake:
~1 and 1/3 cup white sugar, powdered
~ 1 cup and 3 tbsp all-purpose flour
~ 1/2 [half a cup] unsweetene
d cocoa powder
~ 1 tsp + 1 pinch of baking powder
~ 3/4th of a teaspoon of salt
~1 teaspoon of baking soda
~ 2/3rd of a cup of milk
~ 1/3rd cup of vegetable oil/ghee/butter
~1 and 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
~2/3rd cup of boiling water.
For the frosting:
~Margarine/butter at room temperature ; 3 tablespoons
~Powdered sugar 1 1/2 cups
~Unsweetened cocoa powder 1/4 cup
~Milk, fat free 3-4 tablespoon.
*OR the easiest way out: add a dollop of Nutella on top of the cake! ;-)
Method to prepare:

~Mix all the ingredients for the cake. Grease a cake mould/tin with oil and sprinkle a bit of flour on top of it [so the cake doesn't stick to the mould]. Put in the Microwave oven for about 5 minutes, keep checking the cake. I do not know about Microwaves as some may even be of different sorts.
As for me I just used an LG Microwave. ;-)
Take a toothpick test! : Prick the toothpick in the cake. If it comes out clean, your cake is READY TO BE FROSTED/TOPPED! :D
To Frost:
- ~In a medium size bowl add the margarine, powdered sugar and cocoa powder. Start beating with an electric mixer on low speed. At this stage it may seem to be very dry. Don’t panic. Wait until you add the milk.
- ~Add milk little by little and continue beating the mixture till you get a nice spreadable consistency.
- ~Now transfer the cake to a plate and start frosting it.
- ~Cool down in fridge for at least one hour (the texture of the frosting will look better after at least one hour in fridge). :-)
Enjoy. On a personal preference I think Nutella Chocolate Spread is much more better as a topping because I'm not the sort of person who likes very creamy cakes either.